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Set the deviceSizes

module.exports = withExportImages({
images: {
deviceSizes: [640, 960, 1280, 1600, 1920],

Set the placeholder

<Image src="/img.png" width={1280} height={640} alt="" placeholder="blur" />

Use next/image separately from image components to be optimized at build time

import Image, { ImageLoaderProps, ImageProps } from 'next/image'
import { FC } from 'react'

type Props = ImageProps

const CMSLoader = ({ src, width, quality }: ImageLoaderProps) => {
const url = new URL(normalizeSrc(src))
const params = url.searchParams

params.set('auto', params.get('auto') || 'format')
params.set('fit', params.get('fit') || 'max')
params.set('w', params.get('w') || width.toString())

if (quality) {
params.set('q', quality.toString())

return url.href

const CMSImage: FC<Props> = (props) => {
return <Image loader={CMSLoader} {...props} />

export default CMSImage